Monday, November 28, 2011

Placenta Previa

Three types of Placenta Previa

total placenta previa

Placenta Previa
total placenta previa:the placenta completely covers the cervix

partial placenta previa

Placenta Previa
partial placenta previa:the placenta is partially over the cervix.

marginal placenta previa

Placenta Previa
marginal placenta previa:the placenta is near the edge of the cervix.

Placenta Previa - Is the Placenta Movable?
By Any Safarodiyah

The placenta is the organ that nourishes the developing fetus. It supplies the fetus with the blood supply and nutrients necessary for survival. It grows with the pregnancy. During pregnancy, placenta extends positioning itself as the uterus (womb) and grows. In early pregnancy, a low-lying placenta is very common. But as pregnancy progresses, the placenta to "move" in the direction of the top of the uterus. With the third trimester placenta should be near the top of the uterus so that the clear opening of the cervix for delivery. If it remains in the lowest part of the uterus and can cover the cervix, is what we called placenta previa.

Causes of Placenta Previa

Placenta previa occurs in 3-6 out of 1000 pregnancies. The exact cause of this complication is still unknown, but its frequency is increasing in women who have:

    Hereditary abnormal shape of the uterus
    Uterine fibroids or surgery to remove the fibroids
    Scarring of the uterine wall from previous pregnancies, cesareans, uterine surgery, or abortions caused
    Multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets, etc.)
    History of placenta previa

Women who smoke or have their first pregnancy at an older age (over 35) may also be at increased risk. Possible causes of placenta previa include:

    Abnormal formation of the placenta
    Abnormal uterine
    Large placenta
    Scarred of the uterine lining (endometrium)

Diagnosis of Placenta Previa

The diagnosis of placenta previa is borne out in the third trimester (7 months or 28 weeks). Before the situation is not significant because the placenta is usually there. By the end of the second trimester or early third trimester, the low segment of the uterus is formed. The effect of this training is that the "pull" of the placenta up as explained above. This segment is larger, but also thinner. Of muscle contraction in this part not good when a placenta previa it. The expansion of the low segment of the uterus and the opening of the cervix sometimes causes uterine sinus tears. It can previa bleeding from the vagina, the main symptom of placenta.

The bleeding is sudden, painless, and often difficult. The bleeding may stop on its own but can start again days or weeks later. Normally the second bleeding is heavier than the first, the third one is heavier than the second, and so on. It can uterine cramping with the bleeding. Labor sometimes starts within several days of heavy vaginal bleeding. However, in some cases, bleeding may occur after labor.

If a pregnant woman experiences these symptoms, the doctor will use an ultrasound test to confirm the diagnosis. The optimal assessment of the course should be taken in the vicinity of the work to make sure, where is the position of the placenta. That is the decision that the way in which the work can be carried out are changes in the final minutes.

And so do not judge that the diagnosis placenta previa in early pregnancy is false positive result because, as can happen by reading this article know, be.

Types of Placenta Previa

There are four types of placenta previa after covering the opening of cervix:

    Complete placenta previa: The placenta completely covers the cervical opening. In this situation, a normal working can not be performed. It can lead to severe bleeding and death.
    Partial placenta previa: The placenta covers part of the cervical opening. It still has a high risk of bleeding during childbirth, so a woman in this state most likely to have caesarean section.
    Marginal placenta previa: The placenta is near the edge of the cervix removed, but do not block. The labor market may be normal, but the risk of bleeding is still high. You should be very careful.
    Low lying placenta (placenta is also known as lateral or dangerous placenta): The placenta is at the lower part of the uterus is a few millimeters or centimeters from the cervix. You can deliver the baby normally, but you have to be careful because there is still a risk of bleeding, but less than other type.

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