Thursday, January 26, 2012

vaginal dryness and itching

Vaginal Dryness and Itching Treatment

By Ryan English

vaginal dryness and itching
Vaginal dryness and itching, If a woman is sent to the post-menopause, the vaginal skin is really thin and vulva and vagina is its ability to produce rain during the time of sexual contact to lose. About 75% of postmenopausal women suffer from vaginal yeast infection is bad, which is initiated by a decrease in estrogen levels are atrophic. For this reason, women after menopause is a bad pain during sexual contact, irritation, itching and increased susceptibility to experience vaginal infections. Women with postmenopausal atrophic vaginitis suffer from itching, redness and dryness of the vagina. As for active participation with the best lawyer sexual lubricant and good amount of water supply is really a good idea to stay away from atrophic vaginitis. Basically, vaginal dryness is to treat only simple! It is really advisable to contact a doctor for the best medical advice to overcome these difficulties. There are several treatment methods that can be easily treated. They are vaginal suppositories, creams contained estrogen and estrogen therapy.

Vaginal dryness is due to the factors described! They are:

First decentralized level of estrogen is the main cause leading to vaginal dryness. This is dried in the production of estrogen levels decline and as a result of the vagina becomes thinner!

Second, however, the decentralized level of estrogen is quite common; the result of vaginal dryness is it really wise to check with a medical base. Otherwise, checks will result in several side effects such as Sjögren's disease.

The treatments are to treat vaginal dryness and itching here for your understanding:

Lubricants - you quite different vaginal lubricants can be found in parts store. You should experiment with different brands to find the best brand appropriate and satisfy your partner to find. It is always recommended to use water-based lubricants that the. This could be used safely with condoms and diaphragms. The brands of condoms are the most famous Slippery Stuff, Astroglide, ID and KY jelly. These condoms will give you complete happiness during your sexual encounter.

Conventional approach - If your doctor recommends several brands of lubricants fail, you never on the effects of using it to learn more, regular use.

Complementary Therapies - The terrain is very close and fast in your kitchen at home. It is good to have a massage with olive oil that the fight against vaginal dryness can give.

Herbal treatment for vaginal dryness and itching Remedies - itching or scratching, which may be the case, will be cured by two natural products herbal. One is the aloe vera gel and the other is calendula cream! Who is motherwort as a measure of catch-up brand for the Liberation of vaginal dryness and itching problems described remain.

Homeopathic treatment of vaginal dryness and itching - women suffer from vaginal dryness or itching and scratching may be a better relief for the use of belladonna experience. Cantharis and Wall sodium is strongly recommended to obtain the relief of itching alone!

Be careful with the details of menopausal symptoms so that you can take the best care in the right order to get complete relief.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Abruptio Placenta

Abruptio Placenta in Pregnancy

By Sleat Desjards
Abruptio Placenta

Abruptio Placenta is the premature separation of normally implanted placenta in the third quarter. There are two types of placental abruption: the secret bleeding and external bleeding. With hidden bleeding, the placenta separates from the center, and has accumulated a large amount of blood in the placenta. If the external bleeding is present, the separation along the margins of the placenta, and blood flows through the membranes into the cervix.

Women at risk of developing Abruptio Placenta include those with a history of hypertension or placenta abruptio previous abdominal trauma during pregnancy, abnormalities of the umbilical cord, uterine fibroids, advanced maternal age, smoking and consumption of cocaine.

Complications include maternal shock, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and anaphylactic syndrome of pregnancy, childbirth bleeding, prematurity, maternal or fetal respiratory distress syndrome, Sheehan syndrome, renal tubular necrosis and fast delivery.

Hidden bleeding led to a change in maternal vital signs, but no visible bleeding is present. External bleeding, vaginal bleeding is evident with a change in maternal vital signs. Fetal heart rate can change, variability, depending on the degree of bleeding, tachycardia, late decelerations and decreased. Abdominal pain is usually present and also with nausea and vomiting. There is a rapid progression of labor.

What are the diagnostic assessments for Abruptio Placenta?

• The diagnosis is made on clinical guidelines and clinical signs and symptoms
• Ultrasound is done to rule out placenta previa, but it is not always sensitive enough to pick up a placental
• screen laboratory for testing rosette of erythrocytes in the blood of the mother for fetal cells in maternal circulation check

What is the collaborative management of Abruptio Placenta?

• bed rest in hospital, and monitoring of the fetus
• Management of hemorrhagic shock with intravenous fluids and blood transfusions
• Provision of information to the woman and her family on the cause and treatment of placental abruption
• Encourage the participation of the neonatal team in terms of education in relation to fetal or neonatal outcome
• monitoring the amount of bleeding by weighing all the pads and the presence or absence of pain
• Monitor maternal vital signs and fetal heart monitoring by external fetal
• monitoring the work of mothers
• Measure and record height of the uterus, which can increase the risk of bleeding with concealed
Hemoglobin and hematocrit
• Monitor blood loss

What are the support provides a placental?

• Encourage relaxation techniques like breathing exercises and image
• Inform the woman and her family on the status of the birth itself and the unborn child
• promoting the presence of a support person

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Vaginal Dryness Remedies

Vaginal Dryness Remedies

By Jaudon Mixon

Research to Vaginal Dryness Remedies is a long and sometimes painful experience, when women discover through experimentation creams and find that the problem has become worse with more pain and irritation or rashes the skin. Some women opt for the problem at all, not aware of the problems in relationships, how a woman can refuse sex drive because it's too painful, and sometimes the partner who do not know why sex is denied.

In relationships, sex is an important part of intimacy for men and women is so when it stops, the intimacy is reduced and often the male partner may be rejected and unwanted. Problems, as this will affect everything in a relationship and can lead to arguments and disputes. How to solve the problem, vaginal dryness means that work.

Over 65 million women suffer from vaginal dryness often caused by hormonal problems, depression or stress and the natural progression of menopause, and the vast majority of these women do not mind. However, there are solutions and we are in a cream that lubricates the vaginal area and also causes increased sexual stimulation in the region of the clitoris.

If a cream is formulated with natural ingredients and has no negative side effects and has been shown that after damaging allegations without work, it can be approved by the FDA. Using an FDA approved cream vaginal lubricant so you can safely deal with your problem and restore your intimacy with your partner before, and so fix your relationship.

If you're one of those 65 million women, why is it you, or more, like you, you do not like vaginal dryness should heal when they are available at relatively low cost. A doctor will examine you and then probably put you on HRT treatment, which is not yet known, totally free of risk: Some therapies are associated with risk of breast cancer. It is unlikely that they are a cheap lubricant treatment over the counter, which would, in fact, to solve your problem once and for all to prescribe.

What is best for you, in your opinion: a treatment that artificially stimulates the production of hormones in your body to take, or a simple ointment, uses your pleasure and improves sexual responsiveness? I know my answer to this question! However, many prefer the hormone - or are it? It's not that HRT is wrong because many doctors to promote, but it is the right Vaginal Dryness Remedies?

Maybe the doctors are like most women, you are not aware of other Vaginal Dryness Remedies, even if approved by the FDA and is made from natural ingredients. I do not claim that the monetary benefits to come into the equation, but you must make sure for themselves that the risk of breast cancer that you take a loan to a connection problem that is easy to solve. You have a choice - you are the patient!

menopause vaginal dryness

Menopausal Vaginal Dryness

By Jenny K Thompson

The positive side of menopause

Menopause vaginal dryness, Menopause is often called the "curse" or "Change." Personally I prefer the menopause as a "change" to mean, not all aspects of the retirement of the reproductive part of life negatively. There are advantages such as:

• Never treat times more sordid.
• No more thoughts on unintended pregnancies
• Women who have heavy periods or painful experiences, and finally relief.

The not so positive side of menopause

However, there is a downside to menopause. You can do some or all of the following:

• hot flashes
• Irritability
Vaginal dryness
• Pain during sex

The role of estrogen

During menopause, estrogen in your body is less compared to the levels you had when you were producing fertile. In fact, a woman after menopause often produce only about 30% of estrogen they once produced. Unfortunately, this lack of the female hormone estrogen is causing changes in the vagina - even drought. Less lubrication of the vagina means more friction in the vagina during sex intercourse. This increase in friction can be painful quickly.

Some medical options for menopausal symptoms vaginal dryness

Oral hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

Until recently, most doctors have often prescribed oral HRT (hormone replacement therapy in the form of a pill). Oral HRT significantly improves the symptoms of menopause, but unfortunately, oral HRT was associated with an increased risk for many cancers. Breast cancer Prices and ovarian cancer rates are significantly higher among users of HRT. Many doctors are aware of the increased risk of cancer, and to advise on the lowest dose of HRT to relieve symptoms and the successful use them only for the shortest possible time.

Estrogen vaginal creams

Another medical option is estrogen cream which is applied by smearing in the vagina. Since estrogen creams are applied topically and not ingested (which then affects the whole body), they are somewhat safer than oral HRT pills. Unfortunately, estrogen creams also increase the risk of uterine cancer. The common council is to use them often or as little as possible.

Viagra for women

Studies by Pfizer, the maker of Viagra, which can take Viagra (sildenafil citrate) before sex contributes to lubrication in women who experience vaginal dryness was done to show increases during sex.

Please consult your doctor for advice if you are considering one of the medical facilities are over.

Non - medical and natural approaches to menopause vaginal dryness

Personal lubricants

The best way to treat vaginal dryness is a personal lubricant (also known as a sexual lubricant) to use than those you find in supermarkets, pharmacies and drug stores and online for adults. There are also those made from natural kiwi available.

The role of nutrition

A healthy diet with fresh food a lot, vegetables and lots of good natural fats is helpful in restoring moisture in skin cells everywhere - even in the vagina.

Natural herbal supplements

You may also natural supplements such as herbal evening primrose oil or black currant oil, the concentrate gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), which help to balance female hormones may try to contain.

Herbal bio-identical hormone replacement therapy

Consulting a naturopath in the bio-identical (with herbs), a specialist in hormone replacement can bring relief incredible. Many women have customized wonderful results from a naturopath options as "Herbal HRT" had.

Natural vaginal cream

A 99% natural vaginal cream called "LadySoothe" contains essential oils of tea tree and lavender, both known for their estrogenic properties. LadySoothe has a base of coconut oil and moisturizing is inserted into the vagina with clean fingers. LadySoothe may be advantageous to lubricate the support and enthusiasm of your vaginal estrogen - naturally.

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